The season of spring's approaching and a pleasant balmy breeze blows all day long. Other things coming up : a test, a marriage in the family (Yipee... I am attending :D), another test(s) and mid-sem exams (in that order). And various miscellaneous events at college. And Holi is coming up too. But its still a good one and half month away from now. Plus I'd like to devote another post to that.So, I'll leave it at that.
And yeah ... St. Valentine's execution day is just around the corner too. The most plausible story behind 14th February runs as follows :
Claudius II announced a ban on marriage because he believed that marriage made young men emotionally unfit to become good soldiers. But, St. Valentine, a priest defied the emperor's direct order by secretly joining young lovers in holy matrimony and was arrested for his actions. During his imprisonment, a deep friendship developed between Valentine and his jailor's (previously blind) daughter (whom he cured through his strong vehicle of faith - Catholic interpretation or some miraculous powers - Protestant interpretation ). Impressed by his conduct, the emperor tried to convert Valentine to the Roman Gods but Valentine instead tried to convert the emperor. This angered Claudius and he ordered Valentine's execution. Valentine signed a note addressed to the jailer's daughter as "From your Valentine" - a phrase that became immortal along with Valentine's name. But it is widely believed that his execution had more to do with agape than Eros (Use your favorite search engine here, if the need be).
So, things are lined up neatly for the next few days. ;)
And yeah ... St. Valentine's execution day is just around the corner too. The most plausible story behind 14th February runs as follows :
So, things are lined up neatly for the next few days. ;)